Gyakornoki állások

Feltöltés ideje: 2024.05.31

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely (4-6 hónap)

Keresési terület: International business development, market analysis, Strategic M&A

Beszélt nyelvek: French (C2), English (C2), Arabic (native)

Dynamic professional with a Master's degree in International Economics and Business, currently pursuing a second Master's in International Business. Experienced in sales analysis and financial management within the media and energy sectors on an international level. Eager to leverage her project management and strategic analysis skills in an internship in International Business to fulfill her degree requirements. 



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.05.31

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely

Keresési terület: Marketing, Sales, Communication

Beszélt nyelvek: French, English (B2/C1), Spanish (B1)

As part of her studies in business engineering, she is looking for a four-month internship in the field of marketing and sales or communication. Curious, dynamic, and hardworking, she enjoys challenges that allow her to apply her skills and gain new experiences.



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.04.19

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely

Keresési terület: Interpreter, association, communication, HR

Beszélt nyelvek: French, English (C2), Hungarian (A2)

Enrolled in a Master 2 program in Central European Studies, seeking opportunities to utilize analytical and linguistic abilities. Fluent in English, with basic Hungarian skills, adaptable and versatile for diverse roles. Eager learner, open to exploring various fields to kickstart professional journey.



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.04.12

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely 

Keresési terület: Culture, events, communication, international relations, cinema

Beszélt nyelvek: French, English (C1), Spanish (B2)

As an undergraduate student enrolled in a Political Sciences program at SciencesPo Toulouse, she is looking for an internship between August and December 2024. As an organized, caring, and curious person, she always gives her best and she will be pleased to work as your teammate!



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.03.08

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely 

Keresési terület: Construction, sustainable development, industry

Beszélt nyelvek: French, English, Spanish

Currently a 3rd year student at ITEEM in France, she is looking forward to start a 35-week international internship, due to begin on the 27th May 2024. An internship as project manager or data analyst would really interest her to develop her skills.



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.03.08

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely 

Keresési terület: Legal sector (business law and digital law in particular)

Beszélt nyelvek: French, English

French student in the third year of Law, Business Law, she wants to do an internship of 2 to 6 weeks in a company or law firm to gain professional experience and refine her professional project. She is currently a student at the University Toulouse Capitole 1 in Erasmus exchange in Budapest at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University until July 15, 2024 and particularly interested in the positions of lawyer, more specifically in business and digital law.



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.02.09

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely 

Keresési terület: Marketing, communication and/or management

Beszélt nyelvek: French (native speaker), English, Spanish

She is a student in her first year of a Master's degree in Applied Foreign Languages and International Trade at the University of Angers. She is looking for an internship in Europe in the field of marketing, communication and/or management. She is very attracted to the cosmetics and fashion industry, but she is open to any other sector of activity in order to enrich her professional experience.



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.02.09

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely 

Keresési terület: Economics, finance, CSR, geopolitics and geostrategy, data analysis, ecological transition, project manager

Beszélt nyelvek: French (native), English (C1+), Spanish (B2), Khmer (basic)

As a student at Sciences Po Bordeaux, he is passionate about economics and could help with economic intelligence, data collection and analysis, writing various reports, etc.



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.02.09

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely (9 week internship, from 6 May to 6 July 2024.)

Keresési terület: Import-export, wholesale, international trade

Beszélt nyelvek: French, English, Spanish

As she is studying for a higher technician's diploma, she is looking for a free internship in international trade as part of the Erasmus+ program.



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.01.30

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely

Keresési terület: International logistics, Supply chain management

Beszélt nyelvek: French (C2), English (B2), Spanish (B1)

A transportation engineering student at ESTACA, he is actively seeking an internship in international logistics for a duration of 4 months starting from May 2024. He aims to apply his technical skills and contribute proactively to your team. Initiating a specialized master's program in alternance in this field for the next year, he is determined to further develop his expertise.



Feltöltés ideje: 2024.01.30

Keresés típusa: Gyakornoki hely

Keresési terület: Marketing, Management, International Administration, Logistics

Beszélt nyelvek: French, English, Italian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish

French student in “trilingual Negotiator” Master’s degree at the University of Poitiers, he is looking for a 6 months internship (from start-April to end-August) in Marketing, Management, Logistics, International Administrator fields. Ready to expose his motivations.



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